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BKIND on World Kindness Day
Posted in: community

Being kind is our number one priority - for our people, our products, our community and our planet.

So of course, when a day like World Kindness Day rolls around, our team got chatting about how we’ll be celebrating with some random acts of kindness. 

November 13th is the perfect time to extend kindness to those around us, whether it’s something you do for your desk mate, a pledge to be kinder to the environment, a self-care ritual you’ll commit to, a random act in your community, or any other form of kindness you can think of.

Take a look at how our team is practicing kindness for some inspo this World Kindness Day…

I’ll celebrate by walking into work instead of driving (5.7km might I add!), which is kind to the environment, myself and also means a colleague can use my car spot for the day. It’s a win for everyone.  – Jess, Copywriter

At my house I’m making a street library and a community veggie patch that all the neighbours can use. – Karen, Senior Product Manager, Bonds

This World Kindness Day, I’ll pledge to be kinder to myself when I look in the mirror and remind those around me how beautiful they are. I’ll make a healthy, green breakfast and feed my worm farm with the leftovers. And in the evening, I’ll find one film to watch that educates me about being kinder to the planet – because knowledge is power. – Kedda, Senior Brand Manager

I’ll be kind to myself by moving my body and taking time out to meditate, be kind to my workmates by helping them where I can and encouraging a low stress environment, and be kind to the planet by using reusable items for all my meals and drinks. – Gabrielle, Social Media Specialist

I try to do something kind for someone once a week, whether it’s a compliment, buy them a coffee, babysit for my sister, or create my own charity exhibition. Giving back is good for the world (& soul). – Megan, Marketing Manager 

One act of kindness I do fortnightly is I drive my neighbour whose husband sadly passed a few months ago to Waverly cemetery to visit him as she doesn’t drive, and we live on the other side of the city. – Erin, Assistant Product Manager

I will be celebrating World Kindness Day by practicing self-care, starting off with taking my dogs for a walk past my favourite tree which is always full of birds! It’s a happy place for me and I want to set up a routine to go past on tough days. I always make a point of speaking to my older neighbours on my walks as I know a few of them don’t have many visitors, so hopefully they will be out and about so we can check in too. – Gabby, Customer Service Representative

I plan to be kind to my team and shout them a morning coffee! Plus, an act of kindness to myself by committing to a gym session pre work. - Kelly, Head of Marketing 

We are going to send a package to our customer service team in Manila with some little notes and gifts for them! We are also planning to get a little jar that we can put messages of kindness in so we can recognise when people in the team do something kind. We are also going to write a couple of cards for other departments that help us as well! – Danielle, Customer Service Online Manager

I’m going to be kinder to myself by making time for my health. I often neglect my own health and happiness when life gets busy. - Sarra, Assistant Brand Manager

For the week surrounding World Kindness Day in November, I’ll be limiting myself to 3-minute showers for the good of the environment, with the hope to continue it for a month. – Fraser, Recruitment Advisor

A random act of kindness I do is take my elderly neighbour Janet for coffee every few weeks as she recently had a stroke and lives by herself. A self-care ritual for myself is to attend Pilates classes weekly instead of making excuses! – Charlotte, Senior Designer

I am going to just try and be nicer. To everyone and anyone I come into contact with. Because no one wakes up with the intention of being hard work! And you get a better result if you’re just NICE. – Wendy, Talent Acquisition Manager

5 years ago
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