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Posted in: people

As Father's Day looms, we're taking a moment to celebrate the bloggers bringing us daily content from a dad's point-of-view. Recently, we chatted to Brett from the Instagram account about life as a fly-in-fly-out father, and today we're interviewing Jesse Manners from @fatherlikesons about what it's like to give a voice to dads on social media.

Why did you decide to start blogging?

I was spending time one day reflecting on the statistics of young dads and some of the stories I continually see unfolding around me, and the truth is - we're not really the best at sticking around when things get tough. It really struck me and I wanted to do something to help out. My wife was always talking about these amazing 'mummy blogs' and how inspiring their words were for her. I had a look into it, and realised that there were basically no dad bloggers. My hope now is that between the embarrassing stories, exhaustion, and stupidity there are little moments of gold where I say just the right thing at just the right time.

Daddy bloggers are a rare breed, why do you think this is?

There are probably a couple of reasons. In my opinion it's because blogging is super time consuming and after a tough day at work your usual bloke isn't automatically thinking about coming home and taking cutesy photos of their kids. We're also not really known for communicating our feelings and especially not on social media. It also comes down to perseverance, I've seen a fair few pages start over the past year but actually gathering a following is ridiculously hard! Usually pages just seem to slowly die out. If any dads are thinking of jumping on the bandwagon let me know, I would love to help! The more dads we have as role models for healthy, hands-on fathering the better.

What have you discovered through sharing your life via social media?

Accountability. Anything I post I have my wife keeping me accountable to

7 years ago
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