If you’re currently on the hunt for some new books to add to the shelves to help send the little ones off to sleep, then today you’re in luck! We asked one of our Wondermums, Chantelle Ellen of @fatmumslim, to share with us some of her all-time favourite kids’ books. Lists to the ready!
I’ve been collecting books for my kids long before they were born (and actually before I even had a husband). I know it sounds kinda lame, but I love books and always dreamed of having kids and reading to them. It seemed; I had been waiting my whole life for it.Our bookshelves are full, so much so that it feels almost impossible to pick just five favourites. But here we go…
I’m Gonna Like Me
Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell
I bet you didn’t know that this actress wrote books, did you? And I have most of them. They’re fun and quirky and great for parents who have out-of-the-box kids. This one is about liking yourself when you’re not perfect, because newsflash - nobody is!
The Book With No Pictures
B.J. Novak
A book with no pics sounds like a snooze, right? In fact, it’s far from it. The kids will laugh, you will giggle and it will be completely nonsense. Brilliant nonsense!
What’s My Nature?
Lloyd O’Donnell and Anais Rotteleur
I can proudly share that my friend Lloyd wrote this book, and it’s become a favourite for the girls. It’s about a fantastical journey, and discovering that we can be anyone, but being us is just the way to be.
Even Mummy Cries
Naomi Hunter
Okay, so you can probably sense a theme here. I like books that are a little bit ‘deep’. This one is beautiful, and especially important if you’re experiencing grief or something similar, and want to explain in a child-friendly way why mummies might cry.
Thelma The Unicorn
Aaron Blabey
I’m finishing off my list strong with this guy. Talk about fun! It’s about learning to love who you are, with a little bit of sparkle thrown in. Get ready to giggle.